future build nt have registered for the NT Government home renovation scheme. call us today for ideas or to discuss a quote.
Home Extensions & Reno's
We have more than 25 years experience in the building industry.
We are fully-licensed, insured and
guarantee our work.
Bathrooms & Ensuites
We handle all types of home
renovation projects.
Future Build NT is a REGISTERED Building Contractor - Residential
If you intend to carry out any of the following residential building work in the Northern Territory, you must use a registered building contractor with the Building Practitioners Board NT.
Work that requires a registered building contractor:
- new single houses, townhouses, duplexes, and new residential units to any height;
- verandahs, garages and carports built as part of new single dwelling and residential units;
- extensions such as livings areas, bedrooms and enclosed attached garages to existing single houses and residential units; and
- retaining walls associated with the actual structure of a single house or residential unit*
*Definition take from NT Building Practitioners Board website.